Credit Denial

Edmentum Lab (Credit Recovery) Information


Dear Parents and Students,
In an effort to promote student attendance and in line with SCPS Attendance Policies, Seminole High School is implementing Credit Denial. Students who accumulate more than nine (9) unexcused absences in a class during a semester will be denied credit in that class. Please see below for more information and/or our full SHS Attendance Policy for specific details related to attendance, tardies, expectations, etc.

Regular attendance provides students with the opportunities necessary to meet course goals and objectives. Many integral activities, including class discussions, laboratory experiments, field trips, and guest speakers, cannot be simulated or replicated with bookwork! Therefore, with the goal of promoting student success, Seminole County Public Schools has adopted a uniform High School Attendance Policy. It is our intent to encourage honest, accurate, and consistent adherence to this policy by all our students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

Pursuant to Florida Statute 232.01, a high school student enrolled in Seminole County Public Schools who is under the age of 16 is required to attend school regularly during the entire term. Pursuant to Florida Statute 230.22(2), the School Board of Seminole County, Florida, has adopted a Compulsory Attendance Policy, File JEA, which states, “A student is expected to attend all school sessions unless excused by a proper school authority.”
Loss of Credit – Students who accumulate more than nine (9) unexcused absences in a class during a semester will be denied credit in that class.
Class Attendance and Tardies Defined – Students are expected to arrive to class on time. For any class period, a student is tardy and misses over 10% of the class, the student will be considered absent (School Board Policy 5.373).

Loss of credit may interfere with the students’ ability to graduate on time. In order to reinstate credit a student must complete make-up time (hour for hour) which will be held on designated Saturdays in Saturday School or during other scheduled make-up opportunities (Ex. After school or Summer School). Make-up time may not be done with individual teachers. If a student is serving time for disciplinary reasons, the Saturday School time cannot count towards make-up time.

It is up to the individual student and their parents and/or guardian to regularly check Skyward for the most up to date absence count for each period. Parents may submit parent notes to excuse up to 9 student absences per semester. These parent notes must be turned into the Attendance Office no later than 10 student attendance days upon the student’s return to school.

Homecoming, Prom, student parking on campus, and other special events at Seminole High School are a privilege. Students wishing to attend Homecoming or Prom events and/or purchase a parking spot on campus must be in good standing in their ATTENDANCE, DISCIPLINE and FINANCES. Any failure to meet the required standards may result in the loss of privilege in attending these events. Any student who acquires 9 unexcused day absences may lose their school-based privileges for that semester.

Credit Denial Recovery Information.pdf

Updated 8-5-29

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