Florida Bright Futures Scholarships are based on specific academic requirements and volunteer service work hours earned in grades 9-12. Students must earn either the required volunteer service OR paid work hours, but not a combination of both. Service hours/paid work hours must be completed with an agency, company, organization, or business.
The SCPS volunteer service program empowers students to develop a sense of responsibility for others within their community as well as an understanding of the value of volunteerism and helping others.
Participation in the SCPS Volunteer Service Program includes the following additional benefits:
Meet the volunteer service requirement in the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship program. The current requirement is 100 hours for Florida Academic Scholars (FAS), 75 hours for Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS), 30 hours for Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars (GSV), and 30 hours for Florida Gold Seal CAPE Scholars (GSC). See below for more information.
Earn one-half (0.5) credit for successful completion of 75 approved hours of volunteer service. (One time; first 75 hours)
Demonstrate commitment to colleges, universities, and future employers.
Student Volunteer Service Program Guidelines & Service Plan and Approved Service Plan Log (pdf)