Frequently Asked Questions

What is your purpose for the class?

The primary emphasis of Young Men of Excellence & Young Women of Excellence is to empower minority male/women students and assist in providing them with the necessary skills to mature positively, both socially and academically. Students in Young Women of Excellence also gain exposure to writing and public speaking, while establishing relationships through mentorships, teambuilding exercises and establishment of fraternal bonds.

What do you and your students do?

Students in Young Men of Excellence & Young Women of Excellence learn to be leaders on campus and in the community. We have sponsored numerous events on campus that promote inclusiveness and bring about awareness of health issues that impact our community. Young Women of Excellence events such as our prostate Cancer awareness photo booth, dunk tank in support of Breast cancer awareness and "The King of Hearts" fundraiser where we donated proceeds to the Children's Heart Foundation, help to make our campus knowledgeable of numerous health concerns. This year we established "Hugs of Excellence", where we presented stuffed animals to our pre-k class here at Seminole and other pre-k classes in Seminole county to assist them with the transition to school for the first time. We are not only involved on campus but also in our community. Through various community involvement activities ranging from the Martin Luther King Jr. celebration in Sanford, FL to our food drive where we donated non-perishable items to the Coalition for the Homeless. We firmly believe that it is in giving that we receive.

What are some things that you teach your students?

When a Young Men of Excellence or Young Women of Excellencecompletes the program, I want to ensure that they are equipped with the essential skills to be successful, productive leaders in society. Throughout the school year YWOE (Young Women of Excellence), students learn character development, decision-making and problem solving skills and are groomed to become leaders on and off campus. YMOE/YWOE students gain exposure to career opportunities post-graduation through college visits and tours of various corporations. One of the most popular components of the class is the entrepreneurship unit were students are visited and mentored by numerous successful business owners from chick-fil-a and 7 eleven franchisees to owners of popular sports apparel lines. During this unit students also learn financial literacy, how to develop a business plan and have an opportunity to compete for a $500 scholarship.

If they were to remember one thing from the class, what would you want that to be?

We would like them to remember the three things that every  Young Men of Excellence & Young Women of Excellence should apply to life. Number one; learn from the success and honor those that have paved the way before you. Number two; continue to uphold the bond of brotherhood/sisterhood and goodwill that was established in Young Women of excellence. Number three; always reach back, mentor and nurture excellence in each other as well as those who will come after you.

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